Author: Zach DeMarco

With the spirit of a bull and the brain of a peanut, Zach is proud to be able to contribute to the team. Currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Zach's got 99 problems, most of them are physics, but esk8 aint one!

An Evasive icon: The ESCape

There is no denying that the ESCape was a serious gem for its time, especially for the esk8 community. To this day, many are appreciative of the work that Stewii contributed, and the ability to own such a top-tier piece of equipment is a privilege even today. With powerful performance, competitive pricing, and high reliability, the ESCape remains one of the DIY’ers favorite ESC’s to use for a high-performance build.

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10 Questions with Slick Revolution

Slick Revolution burst their way into the esk8 scene after their successful Kickstarter campaign for a complete pre built esk8 back in late 2017. In more recent times, Slick Revolution has gained attention for a couple of their products, namely their “Foamies” wheels, which in the eyes of some, bridge the gap between pneumatics and […]

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